NYOHA Helps Build a Major Biodiesel Market in NYC

NEW YORK, NY – Every movement needs its allies, and biodiesel has some of its most important backers in New York City. The…

New York Bioheat® Dealers Help You Save When You Upgrade Your Heating Equipment

The signs are apparent … your boiler or furnace has seen better days. Your energy bills are higher than they used to be (and…

Upgrade Your Heating Equipment and Save!

Now that winter is in the rearview (at least in terms of the calendar!) it’s a good time to ask yourself how your heating system…

NYSEC and the 1010 Wins/Bioheat® Coat Drive

With Bioheat® fuel, we help protect our environment – New York City, Long Island and Earth. This winter, we held our annual coat…

Bioheat® Fuel and New York’s Ferries

New York City has been a large proponent of Bioheat® fuel, implementing a new standard that helps our city decrease greenhouse…

Winter Fire Safety Tips

While being comfortable during the winter is important, it’s crucial that you stay safe as well! To ensure you and your family’s…