Don’t Stop Thinking About Your Heating System Just Yet!

We know, it’s springtime! You’re probably just about ready to put that heating system of yours well out of your mind. Before you…

Upgrade & Save NYC/LI Surpasses $300,000

The. Savings. Are. Real. Our rebate program offers $500 for a new boiler or furnace, $200 a new storage tank, and $100 for a new…

March Comes in Like a Lion and Out With an Upgrade

As the heating season winds down, and winter comes to an end, your heating system is probably breathing a sigh of relief! There…

We Can't Cut Your Commute, But We Can Cut Your Building's Emissions

If you’ve taken the bus lately — or been stuck in traffic behind one — you might have seen a Bioheat® NYC ad, which says, “We…

PriMedia Launches Industry-Wide Planning Calendar

(Garden City, January 2019) PriMedia is proud to announce the launch of, a free, interactive, cloud-based…

Lower Temperatures AND Lower Heating Costs?!

Temperatures in New York City and on Long Island typically plummet around this time. For example, in December 2018 the daily…