It's Ultra-Clean. Ultra-Efficient. And Ultra-Environmentally Friendly. It's Ultra-Low Sulfur Bioheat® Fuel!
Your heating oil is better than ever!
If you live in New York State, you are heating your home with clean, renewable Bioheat® fuel! As of July 1, 2023 all heating oil sold in the state must contain at least 5% biodiesel fuel (B5). Now the entire state is enjoying the incredible benefits of Bioheat® fuel, including lower carbon emissions, longer heating equipment lifespans, and better community health outcomes! The statewide blends will increase to B10 by 2025, and B20 Bioheat® fuel by 2030. Higher fuel blends with renewable biodiesel will help move our state closer to our net-zero emissions goal by 2040.
Many regional heating oil dealers are already delivering Bioheat® fuel blended with up to 20% renewable biodiesel, or B20. This is great news because customers using higher blends of Bioheat® fuel are entitled to a New York State Clean Heating Fuel tax credit. More great news is the arrival of the first UL-listed B100 burners and boilers. Now, homeowners and businesses can use 100% renewable biodiesel to heat their properties! Soon, every home in the state will have the capability to run like a NORA net-zero carbon home!
Clean Heating Fuel Tax Credit
New York State offers generous tax credits as an incentive to use Bioheat® fuel. Residents who use blends of B6 (6 percent biodiesel) or higher can claim a direct income tax credit of up to 20 cents for every gallon they buy – one cent for each percentage point of biodiesel in their heating oil (up to B20).
Click here to find more information on the tax credits available, and click here for the form required to claim your tax credits.
Ultra-Low Sulfur Bioheat® Fuel Benefits:
Heating equipment that runs on ultra-low sulfur Bioheat® fuel lasts longer and requires less maintenance.
- Using ultra-low sulfur Bioheat® fuel could also increase your heating system’s efficiency. And, according to the Consumer Energy Council of America, ultra-low sulfur Bioheat® fuel reduces emissions by over 70% compared to traditional heating fuel.
- You don’t need to make any modifications to your burner, boiler, furnace, tank or any heating system component in order to use ultra-low sulfur Bioheat® fuel.
- Research has shown that communities who switch to B100 Bioheat® fuel can see significant public health benefits including, reducing cancer risks by 45% or lessen by 203,000 asthma attacks.
Full Service
Full-Service Bioheat® fuel dealers serve as a "one-stop shop" for home heating products and services. They deliver fuel, offer cost management programs, install and service equipment, and offer service contracts that protect customers' boilers and furnaces. They also deliver peace of mind - providing emergency service all year-round. Click here to read more about Bioheat® fuel services.
Why Bioheat® Fuel?
Bioheat® fuel is a great fuel for space heating. Bioheat® fuel provides a strong flame that quickly produces heat and hot water, and dealers are incorporating higher levels of renewable biodiesel with strong backing from the State of New York.
Economy: Bioheat® fuel helps the American economy in a variety of ways, from the local farmers growing the soy beans and other plants and vegetables used to produce biodiesel, to refineries that crush the plants and process the fuels and the drivers and local companies that deliver it to your home or business. This thriving industry supports 62,000 jobs across the United States!
Consumer Choice: Hundreds of independent companies in and around the New York metro region sell Bioheat® fuel. Dealers price their fuel competitively and work diligently to satisfy customers. The companies that thrive tend to be very customer-oriented. Their customers enjoy friendly, responsive service; expert maintenance and installation; helpful budget programs; and great conservation advice.
High-Efficiency Equipment: Bioheat® fuel equipment is constantly evolving to incorporate advancements in efficiency and comfort. Today's boilers and furnaces use high-tech alloys and sophisticated electronics to enable flexible operation that can be customized to match actual conditions. Many new boilers are designed to incorporate weather-responsive controls that greatly reduce fuel usage during mildly cold weather and provide a more even heat with fewer temperature swings. Other important advancements include two-stage burners that conserve fuel and electronically commutated furnace blowers that save electricity, provide smoother operation and work well with high-efficiency central air conditioning systems. Full-service Bioheat® fuel dealers employ expert technicians who are certified to install and service today's advanced systems.
Full Service: A full-service Bioheat® fuel dealer supplements fuel delivery with a variety of valuable services, making their business a one-stop shop for home comfort. Many offer budget plans, which spread fuel costs out over 10 to 12 months and eliminate the budget squeeze that can result when expenses for holidays and heating pile up simultaneously. Automatic delivery frees the customer from watching their fuel gauge by monitoring the weather and scheduling refills before the tank runs low. Service contracts ensure that heating equipment gets the periodic preventive maintenance it needs and reduce an owner's expense in the event of a repair. Equipment replacement helps owners stay current with the latest high-efficiency technology.
Independent Storage: A Bioheat® fuel storage tank provides a comforting degree of reassurance. As long as there is Bioheat® fuel in the tank, a home or building has the fuel it needs to stay warm and be protected from the ravages of cold weather.
Renewability: America's Oilheat supply has been expanded with the introduction of renewable biofuel. Derived from plants and food byproducts, biofuel is environmentally friendly and boosts the U.S. economy with the creation of production jobs and the potential to reduce petroleum imports. Biofuel is blended with traditional Oilheat to create Bioheat® fuel, which is approved by ASTM for use in all Oilheat applications. Oil-fired heating systems use Bioheat® fuel without any modifications, and the emissions are cleaner. A 5% blend of biofuel and heating oil (B5 Bioheat® Fuel) is standard throughout the State of New York, and the state offers a direct tax credit for blends of B6 to B20. To read more about New York's clean, renewable biofuels, visit our Bioheat® fuel page.
Conservation Guidance: The best defense against rising energy prices is conservation; the less you use, the less exposure you have to price inflation. Expert conservation assistance is a vital service available from many Bioheat® fuel dealers. Highly trained Bioheat® fuel experts regularly work with customers to reduce consumption, save money and even integrate alternative solutions like solar energy. A full-service dealer can handle the whole process: consultation, installation and ongoing service. Full service maximizes accountability, because the installer and customer have an ongoing relationship.
Safety: A fuel must be safe to be effective, and Bioheat® fuel is an exceptionally stable and safe energy product. Despite packing a robust 138,700 BTUs per gallon, Bioheat® fuel is not explosive, and it won't even burn if a lit match is dropped into it. (A burner heats Bioheat® fuel to 140 degrees and atomizes it to make it ignite.) Given these characteristics, Bioheat® fuel is safe for long-term storage in a home or building. Bioheat® fuel is also safe when in use because it cannot generate dangerous levels of carbon monoxide in the home without first emitting visible warning signs of a system malfunction.
Cleanliness: Bioheat® fuel emissions are low and headed lower. The increasing use of biofuel and the switch to ultra-low sulfur heating oil are leading to a pristine future. With these important fuel modifications, customers can just sit back and enjoy their shrinking carbon footprints without changing any of their equipment.
Dependable: The U.S. Bioheat® fuel industry is well positioned to deliver its fuel reliably. The raw materials come from the United States, Canada and other petroleum-producing countries and are processed in domestic refineries. A supply disruption is unlikely, because the U.S. maintains the world's largest reserve supply: the 727 million barrel Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The U.S. also keeps one million barrels of heating oil in reserve. The flow of supply to customers is supported by numerous private bulk storage facilities that provide ready access close to home. Many New York City dealers operate their own storage facilities as well, ensuring their customers of a constant supply.
Friendly Service: Bioheat® fuel is a quintessential local American business. Thousands of individual entrepreneurs across the U.S. have developed and built the industry, and their legacy lives on in Bioheat® fuel's friendly, personal service. "House calls" are the very essence of Bioheat® fuel. Drivers visit the customer's home or building every time they deliver fuel, and technicians make periodic service calls. This builds a direct, ongoing connection that fosters great relationships. Many companies are still owned and operated by the families that founded them, and customers enjoy a personal connection that is especially welcome in this age of faceless, multinational conglomerates.